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woodcarving tools
woodcarving tool

I offer a simple sharpening service for sloyd knives and axes. Please contact me to organise postage or drop off to my workshop. Each sharpening job comes with a free re-sharpen within the next 5 years.

Price list, sloyd knives


Hollow grind, Tormek

0⁠-30 mm: £8

50-75 mm: £9

75+ mm: £10

Flat grind, by hand

0⁠-50 mm: £10

50-75 mm: £12

75+ mm: £15

Price list, axes


Hollow grind, Tormek

Small axe: £20

Larger axe: £25

Flat grind, by Sorby grinder and hand

Small axe: £22

Larger axe: £27

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